
In India, less than 5% of Indian healthcare startups have a Doctor co-founder or key driver of the innovation. Whereas 40% of Doctors across India have made innovations within their domains but have never been able to commercialise them. Most of them have been published in medical journals or have been passed on to students and peers. Majority of these innovations are in the therapeutic domain or critical monitoring space. However, most of the tech entrepreneur driven innovations are in preventive or telemedicine space primarily because of superficial understanding of actual healthcare needs.

Therefore there is a strong requirement to bridge the gap between Doctors and Technology developers to enable more meaningful healthcare innovations in India. Doctors need to drive the key idea generation, knowledge sharing, clinical testing and validation efforts.
In this talk, Dr. Chaturvedi will highlight the ways with which a Doctor can bring an idea to fruition through a new support platform called HiiH created by Dr. Chaturvedi and his team.